Monday, February 11, 2008

I know I said I would not post here again. My judgement on many matter seems to have been ...... inaccurate, of late, to say the least. Idiotic, to put it closer to the truth. I knew that she would post here eventually, or at least I hoped that she would. That she could write here without concern was what I wanted most for her. So I will not alter what she has said in any way. She is better at portraying me with accuracy then I am. She has clarity that I do not at the moment. Even through her emotion.

I have been waiting to make my reply. There is only a little that I need to add. I have to add it here because I am ..... I don't think I could say it to her face. Or even in an email or an sms. I am hoping that if she reads it, out in public, where others can see, so I can't deny it, she will believe it more then if I tried to get her attention while she is too frightened to believe. What she says is true - it was never my intension for strong emotions to enter into what we have. It was an arrangement, rather then a ........ But that isn't really relevant any more. We are at this place and now we have to deal with what we have.

The thing I want to add to my lady's words is simply this:

After Hidenka ran from the bath, I called to her. Called her name. There was no answer, except her door slamming down the hall.

I let out my breath. The bathroom floor was fuzzy through tears. My voice was a whisper. Even though I knew she was in her room, I was afraid that she would hear my confession.

"I love you too"

1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

Love is an intense and powerful emotion..

be brave enough
to let it surround
all that you are..

be strong enough
to hold its force
within the chambers
of your hearts..

be open enough
to receive all
it offers..

and most of all..
embrace it
and each other.
