Friday, January 18, 2008

Home from the Markets - Starting Down the Path, Part I

It has been a whole week since I posted last! It is amazing how the time flies when you are having fun ;) I have been busy with work, and lessons with Sensei of course!

I have been thinking and reading a lot lately. It is taking me in a curious direction, It is a little startling really. However, this direction is as Sensei had planned, and it is quite disconcerting to realise how much influence he has over me. I had thought that I was making these discoveries on my own, but I can track it all back to Sensei Kowaku. He is subtle in the way he directs me though. Always discreet and letting me think that I am following the path of my own accord. Of course, it means that I resist the least if he does it that way. He certainly knows his little Hidenka well ;)

What follows is an incident from a few nights ago that needs to be shared. It is part of what I have been thinking about. It is written by Sensei Kowaku, and he has asked me to post it here. He is preparing for another trip away for work. I don't know what I am going to do while he is away! He leaves on Saturday, and comes back on Monday. I have such trouble while he is away!


It was getting late. Well ... it wasn't as late as it seemed to me, but Hidenka had been gone too long for my liking. She loves the evening markets, but I do not like her going on her own. She is such a sweet, delicate little thing. I fear men would take advantage of that. Men like myself of course. So I pace the office as I wait. I am not good at waiting. I am trying to teach Hidenka patience, but I fear that I am not a very good example. I am able to get around this fact most of the time though. So that is why I indulged in some pacing while I worried about her. It didn't help me.

I heard her voice before she was in the house. I stood still to listen to her singing, as she unlocked the door and walked to her room with the treasures she had found at the market. She will never know how calming her voice is to me. I walked quickly to the door, opening it in a rush. She stood there smiling. God, I love her innocent smile. I shivered involuntarily. She didn't notice, I think. She was to excited about her finds.

"Sensei! There you are! Look what I got! It is the wooden box you asked me to get. For my treasures. Isn't it lovely?"

She produced the box from a paper bag. It was quite dark, and had a flower pattern carved into it, and a golden clasp to keep it closed. It was perfect. A perfect fit for her. But she was suddenly concerned.

"Is it good? Is it what you had imagined? I might be able to get a different one if it is not..."

I had to laugh. She was so earnest! I realised that my lack of response had been taken the wrong way. I had been busy thinking of other things....

"It is perfect for my lady. Exactly as I had though. You will need to find the perfect place for it in your room now."

"Of course! Look what else I got. It is the book that I was telling you about. The one I have wanted for ages, 'Sweat your Prayers'....."

She talked on excitedly as we walked to her room. I let her voice wash over me, without taking it in. I do feel bad about that, looking back. But it is just what happens when she is so happy and talking nineteen to the dozen, as she sometimes does. I love her voice. It has such an odd, calming quality to it. Even when she is so excited!

Suddenly I stepped over to her, and took her firmly in my arms, pressing my mouth over hers. She melted at once. As she does every time. I thrill at it every time as well. When I let her free, she smiled a little shyly up at me.

"What was that for Sensei?"

"As always, you have the ability to turn me on, almost no matter what you are doing."

She smiled her soft smile at me, and took my hand, leading me to the bedroom, before changing her mind and heading towards the bathroom. She does know what I like, does my little Hidenka. She hasn't been with me for over six months for nothings.

But I pulled back, and she looked back at me.

"What is wrong Sensei? Do you want to go to the bedroom? Or somewhere else?"

I pulled her close to me again. I had made up my mind. As I wove my hands through her hair, I knew. It was time. Time to begin in earnest.

"My little Hidenka"

My voice was a sigh. She had to be calm.

"It is time for you to learn something new. I feel that you are ready. Now is the time to show you new things. About me and about yourself. Do you feel ready?"


I am going to post the rest of the story while Sensei is away. It is as he wished. I will post another part tomorrow and another on Sunday. I hope you enjoy it!

Much Love,

His Little Hidenka

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